Generational Equity’s Exit Planning Research Library

By Generational Equity


One of the most important subjects in the business community is exit planning. Unfortunately, there are reams of information on management, marketing, sales, HR, accounting, etc. but very few tomes covering perhaps the most important topic of all: how and when an entrepreneur should exit a business for the most profit and with the least pain.

At nearly every M&A conference we hold, we meet folks who come up to us afterwards and thank our teams for providing them with great info on the topic of exit planning. For many business owners, the first time they are truly exposed to the intricacies of a business sale is when they attend one of our workshops.

Because we know that so little research is available to help a business owner jump-start his/her exit plans, we have created a white paper research library, which covers a number of key topics. They’re in our library, or you can drill into each individually:

Most of these are covering specific issues that you may encounter as you develop your exit plan. At a minimum, downloading these will enable you to significantly enhance your knowledge base regarding the M&A process, especially if you are planning to exit without professional guidance.

Feel free to browse the links above and download any topic that you find of interest. After doing so, if you have further questions, please contact me at 972-232-1125 or email me at

By Carl Doerksen, Director of Corporate Development at Generational Equity.

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