Plan smart. Sell smart.

Conference Highlights

Conference Introduction

Senior M&A Advisor Michael Querard presents Generational Group’s exclusive Master Classes, designed for those seeking to grow or sell their business. As a premier middle-market investment bank specializing in privately held companies, Generational Group offers unmatched strategies to elevate your business today.

The Importance of Timing: Part 1

Timing is crucial when it comes to selling your business. Just as your company’s value is ever evolving, the dynamics of supply and demand in the M&A market are continually changing. At Generational Group, we take pride in strategically positioning your business to maximize its potential at just the right moment.

Optimal Buyers v. Entrepreneurial Buyers

Optimal buyers behave differently from entrepreneurial buyers understanding these differences will help the seller receive maximum value for their company. Optimal buyers have resources to do something with the business that the owners do not.

Exit Planning - Your Critical Advantage

Thinking about selling your business? As a leading M&A advisory firm, we specialize in empowering middle-market business owners with crucial strategic insights.

Mike Lorence

Maximum Value: Part 1

Optimal buyers view your business as an opportunity for future growth and potential. While traditional valuations often rely on historical data and past decisions, Generational Group prioritizes a comprehensive assessment of your company’s future. We’re dedicated to preparing you to be buyer-ready, ensuring you’re positioned for success in the marketplace.

Mike Lorence

Maximum Value: Part 2

One of the most critical steps in the M&A process is identifying the right buyer at the optimal time. This begins by casting a wide net in a diverse pool of potential buyers, which is refined at every stage of the selling process. At Generational Group, we offer an unparalleled buyer pool through Deal Force, our innovative platform that connects you with a wealth of prospective buyers for your business.

Mike Lorence

External Market Valuation: The Power of Interest Rates on Price

While M&A supply and demand play a significant role in selling your business, interest rates are a crucial factor in this equation. The value of your business not only hinges on its future potential but also on the current economic landscape and prevailing interest rates. At Generational Group, we guide you through every stage of the selling process, helping you navigate the interplay between the current value of money and your business’s future.

Mike Moore

What Buyers Want

Think you know what buyers want? Senior M&A Advisor Mike Moore clarifies their main objective and how sellers assume the wrong thing. Topics covered include EBITDA, business operations and goodwill

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