Ryan Binkley shares thoughts on IT systems and support

By Generational Group


Now, more than ever before, the quality of your IT systems, support, and backup are critical. Nearly every week now we are hearing about IT crashes that disable companies and related entities for hours. You need to ensure that you avoid a situation where your site could be down and you could miss thousands if not millions of online orders and interactions with key clients/customers.

And more often, our deal makers are seeing IT due diligence become more prominent as buyers seek to ensure that the day after your business changes hands, the system they are depending on does not crash.

So our lead piece this month highlights this issue and encourages you to take steps to make sure your IT systems, policies, and protocols are up to date and being followed.

And please remember that your relationship with Generational Equity doesn’t end once our initial evaluation is completed on your company. We provide you with two updates of value at no additional cost over a five-year period. If your business is performing better now than it was few years ago, it might be a good idea to contact us to review your company’s current market value.

Keep in mind that in addition to a value update, we also will provide you with our Roadmap for Enhancing Value, a document that is designed to give you ideas on steps you can implement to build the value of your business over time. Our clients find this tool extremely helpful as they focus on growing their business for future acquisition.

If you are interested in exiting your business, just want to determine your company’s current value, or if you have any questions for us at all, please call our V.P. of Client Experience, Jay Hellwig at 877-213-1792 – or send Jay an email to the following email address: jhellwig@generational.com and he will be in touch.

Thank you for your time,


Ryan Binkley
President, Generational Equity