May 2018 | North Carolina

Vendor Team Services Acquired By VTSARC LLC

VTSARC LLC acquired Generational Equity client Vendor Team Services on May 3, 2018.

Founded in 2007, Vendor Team Services (VTS) offers complex custom data analytical solutions, database management, dynamic dashboards, PCM workload collaboration, and other services.

Specifically, VTS provides and acts as a vital communication link between big-box retailers and suppliers, ensuring correct inventory planning processes, data transfers, product management, and other solutions for both new and existing projects. It is based in Mooresville, North Carolina.

VTSARC LLC a Delaware-based software application company, saw VTS as a good add-on for them.

Generational Equity Managing Director Julie Sandoval’s team, headed by Sr. M&A Advisor Genell Boyer and supported by Generational Equity Vice President EJ Gray, led the deal to a successful close.

“This deal went smoothly due to the rapport and respect between buyer and seller,” said Boyer.

“The seller saw the ‘big’ picture between the two companies’ ability to gain more market shares by being able to cross-sell to its current and future clients. It was a win-win for everyone.”

Our team’s comprehensive knowledge of the technology industry, arguably the most active of all sectors we work in, has led to the conclusion of numerous successful, mutually beneficial transactions.

If you would like to explore other transactions our associates have supported in this industry, visit our dedicated Technology, Media & Telecom page.

If you would like to explore other transactions our associates have supported in this industry, visit our dedicated Retail page.

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